On Location2016-10-19T07:06:06+01:00

2024 is going to be exciting………….

Trading at Exhibitions and Craft Fairs throughout Cornwall during 2023 is now coming to an end.  It's been an exciting year, and sometimes very challenging. Thank you so much for all those fantastic customers who have supported me throughout the year, especially in these

Christmas Delivery News

Yes I know we don't like to talk about it. ....... but the fact is Christmas is coming.  So in order to avoid disappointment on Christmas delivery, I am offering a discount of 15% on all online picture sales when you use the discount code

Second July Date for a Photography Landscape Field Trip in Cornwall

Peter Hodges Photography has some dates available for a Landscape Field Trip for Digital SLR and Mirrorless Cameras The trip incorporates visiting various locations in #Cornwall and runs from approx 10am to sunset. Help in Composition, understanding the use of Polarising and Neutral Density filters,



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