February / March Exhibition Dates
Im please to announce dates for February and March Solo Exhibition 1st February - 12th February - The Institute Building - Padstow. Open from 10am - 4pm. Free Entry and dogs are welcome Padstow Institute 2 Market Place, Padstow What3Words ///forgets.transcribes.coiling
More Jigsaw Puzzle designs available to purchase.
Im so pleased to say that I now have more jigsaw puzzles designs available to purchase. I now have 3 options each challenging for you puzzle enthusiasts. The Padstow Harbour puzzle is back in stock, and soon we will have two other iconic landscapes
☆ N e w P r o d u c t N e w s ☆
I am so delighted to announce my new product -- A super challenging Jigsaw Puzzle. After listening to feedback from my customers who repeatedly comment how my Padstow Harbour photograph would make a great puzzle, I decided to give the people what they want.
Where to find me in September
Exhibition Dates September is going to be a busy month for Exhibtions and one day events TWO Solo Exhibition dates in Tintagel, Cornwall : Saturday 7th - Friday 13th September Tintagel Old School Hall Fore Street, Tintagel. PL34 0DA What3Words ///topic.motivates.surprises https://w3w.co/topic.motivates.surprises & Saturday
We have new images to showcase…..
It's been a very busy year, and in truth I haven't been out with the camera nearly as much as I would have loved to. The good old British weather hat helped either. But, in saying that, I do have some new images to show
August Dates – Where to find me
Another month is soon to pass, so here is the exciting news of my August exhibition dates Monday 29th July - Sunday 4th August - Im in the Padstow Institute building in the heart of Padstow Monday 5th & Tuesday 6th August - Mousehole Craft